Parenting with Human Design

Step into who you were meant to be and guide your children to do the same!

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Recognising Misalignment in Your Children


Sam is a Certified Human Design Reader + Guide who works specifically with mothers + children in building connection and understanding within the home. Sam discovered Human Design as a support tool for herself when she first entered motherhood and she quickly realised how this tool could too be applied to her children and help her understand them on an individual level. She believes firmly that no two children are the same and every child has different needs to be met, this should be taken into consideration when parenting each child and guiding them through play, development + self awareness. She helps mothers understand their children’s highest needs when it comes to their individual Human Design chart and how they support them to thrive through life. Through her work, she demonstrates how Human Design can be applied to every area of your life as a single mother, homeschooling her two high energy children alongside her thriving business.

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Online courses

Take a self-guided journey with Human Design

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Personalised Wildlings Human Design Readings 

Dive deep into your childs Human Design chart 

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I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night